Walking Man / by Matt Sellars

Gas Can Man

Gas Can Man

Cooler in Hand Man

Cooler in Hand Man

Saw these two men last weekend. Not to be confused with each other, both have disparate purposes, mindsets, intentions. Gas Can Man, was seen heading west on I-84, obviously on his way back to his car which had run out of fuel; though certainly it is possible he was on his way to douse a house in gas in order to set it ablaze. Regardless, it was his look that I fixated on. It's a certain type that goes for the jean pants-no shirt look. The look on his face said "I defy you to talk shit about my situation" but his clothing choice said "I'm late to my carnival ride operator job". Odds were good he had a 6" blade strapped to the unseen side of his body. But no matter, odds were also good that he was going to gas the fuck out of his car and get the fuck right on with his day. A man of purpose negotiating a temporary hurdle.

Cooler in Hand Man is a different one all together. He was at the Maryhill Freeride. Every time I saw him, which was often, he was striding meaningfully from one place to another, cooler in hand, plainly ready to expel its contents at the drop of a hat in a fit of absolute refreshment. He had that practiced walk of an aging metal fan that sways side to side in order to magnify the potential of his long assed hair. He made me pretty stoked every time I encountered him, and my feeling is that to know him, might spoil the spell. To know him might be to know his political leanings, but to not know him means he remains Cooler in Hand Man, perpetually ready to rock and walk to where he wants to shotgun five beers. And always at a moment of his choosing.

Ride On.